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Missa Pro Seminario at Ombao Polpog, Bula

The Missa Pro Seminario of St. Irenaeus Moderator’s Group last September 2, 2018 was held at the Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer, Ombao Polpog, Bula, Camarines Sur. The mass was presided by Rev. Fr. William Parde, Jr., the Rector of the Seminary and priest-moderator of the group. It was concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Rex R. Ramos, the Parish Priest of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish. The seminarians of the said moderator’s group served as servers and choir. In his homily, Fr. William emphasized the words from the Gospel expounding the reality of human tendency to be more concern of the externalities of the flesh than the internal, the soul. He said that one should have concern for others by doing good deeds to them; one should not speak ill and must not propagate evil acts because these things coming from within could be the content of our hearts. Before the end of the Mass, Fr. William led the blessing of the children and the birthday celebrants for the month of September. He also encouraged the assembly especially young people to enter the seminary.

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