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14TH Sunday in Ordinary Time/ Mark 6:1-6 The Gospel tackles about the lack of faith in Jesus of his own townspeople in Nazareth. Because of this, he could not perform miracles there – “So much did their lack of faith distress Jesus.” His own townspeople were skeptical of him, because he had lived an ordinary life in their midst for many years. He was a common laborer, a layman with no special education. It is hard to work with hostile audience. It is very painful and frustrating to realize that you are not accepted by those you come to help and even save from dire calamity. Jesus could have been often tempted to quit. But He did not quit. He faced the situation and was convinced that it was his Father’s will that should be accomplished although he saw clearly as time went on that it was through his sufferings and death that he would bring salvation to the world. Despite the refusal of his own people to believe, he bore his cross to the bitter end. Isn’t this sad? Since it is sad, why do we end the Gospel, saying, “This is the Good News of the Lord?” We call this sad event in the life of Jesus, “Good News,” because He didn’t waste this experience. He used it to grow. Isn’t that Good News? Because of this sad experience of Jesus, He exercised His patience towards His town mates; He exercised His mercy, His forgiveness; He made excuses for them, as He would make for those who would later crucify Him (“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34). Jesus exercised His prayerfulness with the Father. He used this disappointment to further his resolve to continue. It is because of all these good things that issued forth from a disappointment that we end the account with the words, “This is the Good News of the Lord!” In our journey towards priesthood, we may encounter such event that may disappoint us to continue; however it is also possible for us to use our disappointments to grow. With God’s grace, it is possible. In fact, there is really no obstacle in our journey towards closer union with the Lord. Every experience of ours, not only our “ups” but also our “downs” can lead us closer to God. We just have to continue our work, our vocation to serve and love the Lord. We must stand firm in God who gives us strength. We cannot always choose the experiences which life brings to us, but we can choose how we react to every experience. Every experience, good or bad, can be an invitation of the Holy Spirit for us to grow. We never have to be victims of life’s circumstances. By God’s grace, we can be forever victorious. Isn’t that Good News?

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