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Veni, Sancte Spiritus!

Come, O Holy Spirit! The Most Rev. Rolando Octavus J. Tria Tirona, OCD.DD., Archbishop of Caceres, presided over the annual celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit, last June 11,2018 at the Good Shepherd Chapel, Holy Rosary Major Seminary, to formally open the school year 2018-2019. Present during the celebration were the team of formators of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary headed by its Rector, Rev. Fr. William M. Parde, Jr., Rev. Fr. Jomel Ian dela Cruz, Rector of the Sedes Sapientiae Formation House – Diocese of Masbate, Rev. Fr. Teodolfo Medina, Vice-Rector of the Society of Our Lady of the Trinity (SOLT), Rev. Fr. Ruben Berango, Director and Rev. Fr. Elbert Cestina, Spiritual Director, both from the Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol Formation House – Diocese of Legaspi. Likewise, in attendance were some of the visiting priests and lay professors. Graced by the Lord, the Academic Year 2018-2019 has a total of 159 seminarians with 124 intern seminarians and 35 extern seminarians. Included in the Intern seminarians are the seminarians from the Diocese of Virac, Diocese of Daet, and Archdiocese of Caceres while the extern seminarians include 15 from the Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol – Diocese of Legaspi, 9 from the religious brothers of the Society of the Our Lady of Trinity, 8 from the Sedes Sapientiae Formation House – Diocese of Masbate, 1 from the Diocese of Sorsogon, and 1 from the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Inspired by Pope Francis’ message last March 16, 2018 during a relaxed and informal meeting with seminarians and student-priests in Rome, the archbishop quoted, “… to care for their ongoing human and spiritual formation while being always open to the Holy Spirit.” He emphasized in his message the intimate relationship with Jesus, be committed to studies, and be open to the Holy Spirit. As pastors and servant leaders of the Church, we must all be inspired by Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to be always in the service to everyone by the help and gifts of the Spirit. After the Eucharistic celebration, the Blessing of the newly-renovated Fathers’ Refectory immediately followed.

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